Where is JLee??

Where is JLee??
Guangzhou, near Hong Kong

JaLia Willa Worsena Howell

JaLia Willa Worsena Howell

Monday, January 10, 2011

Time travel

Some malicious folk wanted me to explain to them how long my travel will be. I have been carefully avoiding this as I am a go-to-bed-early person and I get very cranky when I'm tired. I nervously sat down and tried to figure it up. I leave home at 530am, leave Indiana at 900, get to Chicago 1 hr later. After a 1 hr layover, I board my flight for Shanghai. I arrive 7 thousand miles and 14 1/2 hrs later in Shanghai (at 200am my time)....can you say cranky. Actually I wake up at 2am all the time so maybe it won't be so bad. I packed lots of sleeping pills so hopefully I'll pass out early enought to get 6 hours of sleep which I'll really need cause my next layover is 5 1/2 hr long. I'm paranoid I'll fall asleep at the airport and miss my next flight!!!!!!! The last leg is a 2 1/2 hr flight and gets me into Guangzhou at 1130 pm. (It will be 10am my time.) I hope that after a hot shower and more sleeping pills I will be able to relax till the famous breakfast buffet opens up. ~~~~I'm interested to know if the alarm clocks are in chinese or english.

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