Where is JLee??

Where is JLee??
Guangzhou, near Hong Kong

JaLia Willa Worsena Howell

JaLia Willa Worsena Howell

Friday, May 29, 2009

28 months.....and counting

Tomorrow is my 28th month anniversary from when China accepted my family as a potential caretaker for one of their citizens. It was June of '08 before they had time to review my file and truly accept us. I know this is not to be taken lightly. As the wait gets longer, it gives me time to ponder.... I have two children and there are so many out there waiting who have none. Every month that goes by is two months more of waiting. In March the wait was 36 months, now it's the end of May and we are at 38 months. One thing I hold to is that if I was not waiting....I'd still be wanting, so I might as well do both.