Where is JLee??

Where is JLee??
Guangzhou, near Hong Kong

JaLia Willa Worsena Howell

JaLia Willa Worsena Howell

Friday, July 30, 2010

Well, I attemped to join the Special Needs line in May. There were more parenting workbooks to fill out, an application that had the same information as my annual homestudy update, a SN checklist to fill out (which my husband constatly said...I leave it up to you) and a Letter of Intent form which has all of 7-10 blocks and none of them could possibly be filled out until you had an actual child picked out but they want it now anyway.
I sent a follow up email in July and was told they weren't considering us yet cause I didn't have it ALL completed, oh and by the way, we need new passport photos and family photos.....it never stops. Put more information on the forms and sent them in again.
My homestudy gets renewed in Sept. so I need to add the consideration for all the Special Needs we would consider, update my home study info and then use the homestudy info to update my SN packet again. Are you enjoying the ride??
When I started checking around for girls on the SN lists, Jesse started back peddling on all my picks. Didn't I realize that a hearing impaired daughter wouldn't be able to hear the coondogs when he took her hunting?? no I hadn't thought of that. I guess that fact that our boys are hearing able but NEVER listen to us isn't the same thing. I guess the fact that a biological son turned homebody and will likely never go coon hunting is also beside the point. `haha
Back to sitting and waiting.............