Where is JLee??

Where is JLee??
Guangzhou, near Hong Kong

JaLia Willa Worsena Howell

JaLia Willa Worsena Howell

Monday, February 1, 2010

here we go ....AGAIN

36 months seems so far away from zero. Have we really been waiting that long?? Of course 36 is so close to 44, which is what the wait was the last time I checked.

No reason to post if you've got no news to talk about. I'm getting real good at just putting it out of my mind..... till it's time to pay for that annual Home Study update, then I get an earful from the husband. I'm getting real good at putting the package together, I had everything done and sent off 5 weeks before it was due. Wouldn't you know it for the first time, the HS agency botched it up and I didn't get a copy back till 5 weeks after it was due. Then I misread the USCIS paperwork and didn't get it sent in for another 5 weeks. I freaked out....could I really go through all this and then lose out on a technicality?????? I decided to leave it up to fate. Did CIS really care about deadlines?? Yawn, no big deal...... they know I'm not going anywhere soon. Got renewed for another 15 months.......... Please God NO

Mostly the only time I really think about it is when I'm renewing my CD's.....do I buy the 6 month or the 9 month no penalty? Look at all the 12 month interest I've lost out on ~haha. So maybe the 44 month wait will hold (or shorted as many have predicted) and I'll hear something in August. Yes, that is month 43 but it's my BD month and the number 8 is considered lucky in China. 08-08-10 I will get a referral call, yea yea I know that's a Sunday.

It would be my dream to travel by late September, be back by the boys BD in October and take leave through the Fall.

That's my dream and I'm sticking to it.